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Searching For Meaning:


Christian Education provides food for thought both to the young and the young at heart.


Our bi-weekly Monday morning meetings, Searching For Meaning, is a time when we come together to share and discuss bible stories and offer support to each other in our daily lives. 


All are welcome to these lively discussions.


For more information about joining, please email Beth:

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Connect Group:


Members of St. Andrew’s have formed a Book Club where they gather, via Zoom, bi-weekly Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm, discussing a wide variety of books on several topics and sharing in-depth knowledge of the books they read. 


Everyone is welcome to join this group and engage in the lively conversations that somehow serves to open one’s mind beyond the norm.


For more information about joining, please email St. Andrew’s at:

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Seniors’ Lunch - Monthly 

Guest Speakers -- Music -- Fun Activities


Markham SAUC Seniors Group (Monthly. Temporarily halted due to COVID-19)


Seniors in the community are invited to a monthly lunch as they listen to music and chatter.


The cost for this event is presently $10 each which helps to defray the cost of lunch and, sometimes, prizes.  


Lunches are followed by Guest Speakers, Fun Activities and a variety of discussions that are of interest to seniors.


Events are held at St. Andrew’s United Church Markham and are open to all seniors in Markham and the surrounding neighbourhoods.

For further information to join us, email Yvonne:


32 Main St N

Markham, ON

L3P 1X5

Tel: (905) 294-0351





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© St. Andrew's United Church – Markham, Ontario, Canada --- All rights reserved without permission.

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