United Church Women (UCW)
All women of the congregation are welcome to join St. Andrew’s United Church Women’s Group and share in the camaraderie and joy of giving time and talents to many worthy causes. We do many fundraising activities to support both our church and several charities.
We invite everyone to our annual Pancake Supper, Spring Garage Sale, UCW Luncheon & Card Party in April, Fall Bazaar in November, Markham SAUC Seniors Group (monthly except July & August).
Our bi-weekly/weekly Crafts Workshop is the forerunner to our exciting Fall Bazaar.
KNITTING OUR FAITH/Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group of dedicated “Knitters” meet each Wednesday afternoon in St. Andrew’s Friendship Room, including the summer months. We share knitting/crocheting, patterns and resources for yarn, as well as helping each other with difficulties so please don’t hesitate to join us.
We also discuss topics to help strengthen our faith.
We support this ministry because we believe these Prayer Shawls bring joy and hope to many lives.

Searching For MeaninG
Exploring our spiritual dimension - our connection to the Divine - through mindfulness and discussion.
Our bi-weekly Monday morning meetings is a time when we come together to share and discuss bible stories and offer support to each other in our daily lives.
For more information please contact Beth: langhorst@sympatico.ca or the church office
All are welcome to these lively discussions.
Connect group
Members of St. Andrew’s have formed the Connect Club where they gather bi-weekly Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm, discussing a wide variety of books and current events.
Everyone is welcome to join this group.
For more information about joining, please email
St. Andrew’s at: unitedchurch@bellnet.ca.

Markham Community Seniors Club (MCSC)
Seniors in the community are invited to monthly Afternoon Refreshments
as they listen to Guest Speakers, Music and enjoy Fun Games.
This event welcomes a Freewill Offering which will help to defray costs and occasional prizes . These Fun Activities and a variety of discussions are of interest to all seniors.
Events are held at St. Andrew’s United Church Markham and are open to all seniors in Markham and the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Please note that we do not meet in the months of July & August.
For further information to join us, email Yvonne: yweston@rogers.com